"Diaries" at the group exhibition "Moving women" at SMENA, Kazan 2022 Curator Maria Lind
hand weaving, mixed media
average size of each 140x40 cm

It is the series of 5 tapestries and 12 month. Every day I weaved a diary. I started in the spring of 2020 during the COVID isolation. I fixated an elusive reality and fragile connections of a day: sometimes abstractly, and sometimes straightforward, weaving objects, pieces of fabrics and materials that have their own history. Each row of a tapestry is directly related to my mood, to the events that took place around and inside me. New moon, police cars, fear of others, long-awaited summer, high clouds and a fragment of a vase that I accidentally smashed — everything is woven into the tapestry.

These are multiple answers to the question: "How is it now? Now what?". Unlike classical weaving, where there is always a pattern and a final vision of the result, I never know how my day will turn out. This is an intuitive weaving, the search for myself, my mood and its reflection. Every meeting is important, every thought has value, so I weave every meeting with a person, or some objects found on the road.

Thanks to Alexandra Ostrovskaya, one of the leaders of the Textile Laboratory, for the idea of weaving tapestry diaries.
"Diaries" at the group exhibition "Moving women" at SMENA, Kazan 2022 Curator Maria Lind
«April, May», 140*42 sm
"Diaries" at the group exhibition "Moving women" at SMENA, Kazan 2022 Curator Maria Lind
«June, July, August», 138*23 sm
«September, October, November» 90*42 sm
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